Path is a new social network that provides a type of ‘public’ journal so that only your closest friends and family can see what you do and want to do.
When you wake up, where you go to work, what means of transportation you use—you will be able to share all these details easily with Path. Additionally, you will be able to back them up by taking pictures with your telephone and including them in the timeline, which has a lovely design.
If you are also connected to other social networks, which is very normal in today’s world, you will also be able to link Path with Twitter, Foursquare, Tumblr or Facebook, including the links on your timeline, and vice versa.
This strongest point of this social network in which you will have a very small amount of friends (just your closest circle) is its visual design. It has lots of detail, is very intuitive and will allow you to do anything easily.
Path is a different social network, oriented towards another type of relationship other than that of Twitter or Facebook, for example. Nonetheless, it can become very big if it is accepted among small circles of family and friends.
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